Ruckman defenders and their good fruit argument analyzed by the Scriptures

One of the frequent ways in which Ruckman defenders try to change the subject is by bringing up the “good fruit” argument. It goes something like this (taken from an actual comment submitted to this website): “Ruckman has hundreds of men currently active as pastors and evangelists throughout the world. Now, that’s fruit brother!”

Often times the fruit argument is brought up with numbers meant to use with which to compare, expecting Ruckman to come out ahead. The numbers can involve professions of faith, church attendance, books written, number of preachers trained, etc. The logic is supposed to be that Ruckman’s fruit exceeds that of his detractors, so this is supposed to prove that Ruckman is right and his detractors are wrong. Geneha Kim dedicated many pages of his Ruckmanism Ruckus book to this tactic of defending Ruckman.

Ruckman often uses the fruit argument himself in a self-serving way frequently in his writings:

[Ruckman referring to himself in the 3rd person] God gives him ten times as many souls, ten times as many ministers (over ninety have been ordained in our pastorate since 1960), ten times as much information from the Book, and ten times as many places to preach as He gives them.
Ruckman, Peter. Bible Believers’ Bulletin reprint #7 (Strictly Personal). 2004, Pensacola: Bible Baptist Bookstore, p. 490

What we need from … is a list of how many souls the Lord gives him in a year (for 30 years let’s say) and then a list of names of young men who are in the ministry winning souls because of the personal teaching and personal counseling and personal example of … It would be interesting to compare this to a list of our own…
Ruckman, Peter. Bible Believers’ Bulletin. March 1985, p. 2

Jesus makes it clear in John 15 that we cannot bear fruit of ourselves, and that fruit is to glorify the Father, not ourselves or to compare ourselves with others. In I Corinthians 3, the Bible makes clear that some plant, some water, but God gives the increase. All credit, honor, glory and praise for any fruit should be directed to God the Father.

In spite of the Biblical warning that it is not wise to compare among ourselves, Ruckman writes in his typical arrogant style as follows:

I have only written 120 books: how many have YOU written?
Ruckman, Peter. Ecclesiastes. Pensacola, FL: Bible Baptist Bookstore, 2001 reprint, p. 358

2 Cor. 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

When the Apostle Paul wrote about spiritual gifts, (closely related to fruit) he introduced the topic with the following warning: Rom. 12:3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

In comparing his ministry with others, Ruckman makes an extremely unlikely claim (regarding other churches) without bringing up statistics from other missions-minded churches:

Sixty-two of our church Mebers [sic] are overseas. There does not exist on this earth four Baptist churches, averaging 2,000 members combined, that have produced even forty church members who went to a foreign field.
Ruckman, Peter. Bible Believers’ Bulletin. July 2008, pp. 6 & 8

A quick internet search brought up two medium-sized independent Baptist churches with members sent to the mission field outnumbering Ruckman’s numbers (if his comparison allows you to combine the church members sent to the mission field from up to four churches). and

Also, Ruckman worded his claim carefully to exclude missionary statistics from the largest Baptist churches, such as Temple Baptist in Detroit, Landmark Baptist in Cincinnati, Akron Baptist Temple, Canton Baptist Temple, Highland Park Baptist Church, High Street Baptist in Springfield, MO, First Baptist in Hammond, IN, Lancaster Baptist Church in California, etc. Admittedly many of these churches have experienced dramatic changes in the last 2-3 decades, but were known for supporting or sending hundreds of missionaries in their time. In recent times there has been a Baptist missionary awakening in places such as the Philippines and Mexico, with some native churches reportedly sending out many missionaries. Ruckman also restricts his claim to Baptist churches, which excludes the outstanding effort of Moravian missionaries in the 18th century, not to mention “Baptistic” churches such as Oswald J. Smith’s independent People’s Church in Toronto, which at one time helped support 500 missionary workers.

Our comparison of missionary fruit of other ministries doesn’t necessarily make Ruckman wrong and others right, but since he made an extremely doubtful claim, we felt compelled to provide examples of other ministries that have been a great example in the area of missionary emphasis.

Ruckman continues, comparing his church with others:

Not one church in which any of our young men (more than forty-five of them) have ever done deputation work was able to produce TEN missionaries that got to the foreign field.
Ruckman, Peter. The Books of the General Epistles. Vol. 2. 2004, p. 220

It is likely that the graduates of his institute would focus on Ruckman-friendly churches, so it would not be an accurate assessment of the mission-minded condition of Gospel-preaching churches throughout America. As previously documented, a quick internet search brought up two Baptist churches that had sent 20+ church members each to the mission field, not counting missionaries supported sent from other local churches.

We are not trying to say that fruit is to be completely ignored and overlooked when examining a Christian ministry or leader. However, it must be realized is that if not implemented with other Biblical factors (such as pure doctrine and obedience to God’s Word), wrong conclusions can be reached based on surface observations. For example, youth ministries that use “Christian” rock music are likely to point to the large number of youth coming together as evidence of God’s blessing on their tactics. In contrast, a godly missionary working diligently among hardened Moslems who sees few converts may be unfairly looked upon as lacking fruit. In Mark 4:8 our Lord acknowledged that some produce less fruit than others, without implying that something was inherently wrong with those who bore less fruit. There is also a principle found in the last half of 1 Samuel 16:7 which serves as a warning for depending too much on surface observations: For the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.

The fruit argument should be used cautiously with any ministry. What must be realized when Ruckmanites associate Ruckman with favorable-sounding numbers is that all the people in their fruit argument have been taught false doctrines such as works salvation for certain dispensations. Another test for examining fruit would be the fruit of the Spirit as found in Gal. 5:22-23. As proven in documentation throughout this website, Ruckman does not demonstrate much love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance in his speech and writings. The Bible also speaks of “evil fruit” (Mat. 7:17), so the fruit argument can also become a double-edged sword.

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12 Responses to Ruckman defenders and their good fruit argument analyzed by the Scriptures

  1. John Foley says:

    Hmmm, interesting. I agree that he was wrong to boast as he did, but let me tell you. Despite where he was wrong from time to time, God really blessed my soul and opened my eyes to many truths and convictions by reading Dr. Ruckman’s books and listening to his sermons! I’ve learned so much, felt the presence of God, and read the Bible far more than I ever did before! How do explain THAT Webmaster (whatever your name is)?

  2. charley says:

    writing a lot of books proves nothing. the Jehovah witnesses have written a lot of books and trained a lot of people. growth ln an organization produces ‘fruit’, but is the fruit good? Matthew 7:15-20 and Matthew 13:24-30

    • dr.randy vangarrett says:

      ecclesiastes only has 306 pages . mistake number 2. one thing ruckman always said was check it out . look up the verses . or read the books by Hudson and rice . to see whose lying . he did not say ive written 120 books : how many have you written. he must of peeled the hide off your daddy. sonny boy.

      • Webmaster says:

        I just double-checked, and the quote is indeed correct. I quoted from the 2001 reprint as stated, which is 366 pages in length. If your copy of the commentary is 306 pages in length, it is apparently an older edition, which has since been revised and expanded. Will you apologize for the manner in which you questioned me? Probably not. It is almost unheard of for Ruckmanites to apologize.

        • dr.randy vangarrett says:

          yes I do apologize, and theres no apparently to it . I stand corrected I have copyright 1994. man .man what an oversight on my part . what about the full cup reference to sherry being the x wife of a student do I have wrong edition of that ? tell your daddy I said sorry, hating ruckman seems to be a family thing. once again eating crow ,

          • Webmaster says:

            Apology accepted. Concerning the other book, it has been answered in the corresponding page under your comment.

  3. dr.randy vangarrett says:

    when you say analyzed by the scriptures, do you refer to greek new testament that Kenneth Wuess uses? he could help clarify the meanings of the verses you used above. I don’t think they are very strong in proving ruckman wrong! well because jesus said it ruckmans fruit is not of himself, he cant bear fruit of himself! just because he list the fruit. and others boast or point it out does not make him wrong . jesus in matt.11:3 thru 5,list his fruit . jesus called people dogs ,snakes , fox, kids of hell , said there dad was the devil , now that really is mean because of the implication to there mommas, violently attacked people with whips , turning tables over! preached 90% on the street . don’t wash his hands before he eats, and tells the man he is dinning with , your dirty on the inside. lets follow Christ. I dont like that statement its used a lot around here, lets follow the lord Jesus Christ.

    • Webmaster says:

      For reasons I should not have to elaborate on (with this last post of your as an example, especially how you end it), I’m through with you commenting on this site.

  4. If we apply the Ruckman 120 book standard, God only wrote one sacred Book with hundreds of willing, inspired co-authors, some enemies of the cross and killers of His Branch, a book that is the complimation of 39 Old Testament and 27 New, divided into the Torah, Historical, Poetry, Songs and Proverbs, Prophesy, four Gospels, and the Epistles Pauline as well as General. Jehovah by the Ruckman standard must have failed; He only wrote sixty-six books, except for the “…his truth endureth unto all generations” (Psalm 100.5).

  5. Craig says:

    I agree, I think there is more to fruit than just statistics. For example, a man could have a godly ministry being a diligent husband and father, with a good heart, showing the fruits of the spirit from Galatians. Who is to say that this unknown Christian, is not bearing forth much fruit, by fulfilling his duty as a good husband and father?

    There is also this: “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27.

    In the midst of flashy headlights of ‘I wrote so many books’, ‘I preached so many times’, ‘I know so much Bible’, there is the anonymous Christian fulfilling the un-glamorous role of vising old people in old folks homes. There are few people who like to spend time around old people, but, when saved, that is pure religion and undefiled.

    It’s immature to compare fruit like Rukmanites do, and sadly, it betrays their heart (Luke 6:45c).

  6. Nate Beck says:

    There is a great deal with which I agree with the Webmaster about many of Pete Ruckman’s opinions and strange interpretations. I have no doubt that the Webmaster of this site truly loves our Lord and loves the word of God. I also agree the good fruit argument can definitely be stretched beyond credibility.

    But I’d like to add that God DEFINITELY used Pete Ruckman in my life after I got saved. Reading Ruckman’s books really made me dig into the Bible. Even where I disagreed with Ruckman, I must say I didn’t disagree with him on certain things until I studied scripture to check him on what I read in his books.

    Even though many of the arguments on this site are valid, I still think there is more Pete Ruckman got right than wrong and there is no doubt in my mind that he was a saved man, however backslidden. So did his ministry produce good fruit? Yes it did! Even though I do NOT believe in the Gap theory, much of Ruckman’s language, Ruckman’s opinions on race, and about twelve other things Ruckman believed in. I thank God that I’ve always believed in balance, honesty and fairness. And I thank God that He gave us a perfect Bible that isn’t predicated on the life of Pete Ruckman!

    • Craig says:

      I don’t want to go off topic, but I have though about something you have said,

      “But I’d like to add that God DEFINITELY used Pete Ruckman in my life after I got saved. Reading Ruckman’s books really made me dig into the Bible. Even where I disagreed with Ruckman, I must say I didn’t disagree with him on certain things until I studied scripture to check him on what I read in his books.”

      I have thought about this too – Gal 5:19-20, “The works of the flesh are … Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies” – heresies are a work of the flesh.

      What I learned from my interaction with a Ruckmanite church, was how not to behave, or even how not to study the bible. So yes, Ruckman did help me, but perhaps not in the way he intended.

      However, heresies, when handled correctly (such as this website in my opinion), do provide us with an opportunity to learn. It would seem that we can learn from poor examples along with good examples.

      However, if someone is new to Christianity, and Ruckmanite’s are their first exposure, how many people will they hurt? (along with hurting themselves), before they learn from the poor example – if they ever learn at all?

      1 Cor 11:19, ““For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.”

      A Pastor and a teacher has a huge responsibility.

      Have a good day brother.

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