Alexandrian Cult initiation rite according to Ruckman’s vivid imagination

In his eight-part series of booklets entitled The Alexandrian Cult (later reprinted in one volume as Alexandrian Cult Series), Ruckman displays artwork on the cover of an Alexandrian Cult initiation rite according to his vivid imagination. It shows the devil handing out certificates and dunce caps to various characters standing in line, with some already standing on a platform wearing dunce caps and proudly holding their certificates. In the color artwork on the cover of the one-volume edition, some of the men in line to receive their certificates from the devil include Swindoll, White, and Wuest, with Custer climbing up to the platform to join Aland, Hort, Tischendorf, Griesbach, Warfield and Nestle. Perhaps this Ruckman statement corresponds with said artwork in his wild imagination:

“Well done thou faithful, feebleminded servant of the Devil. Thou hast been faithful to the Scholars’ Union, enter thou into the joy of the apostate Nicolaitans who have earned a crown of corruption.” (Ruckman, Peter. The Books of First and Second Thessalonians and Philemon. 2005, p. 179)

See also The Alexandrian Cult: A fantasy of Peter Ruckman

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1 Response to Alexandrian Cult initiation rite according to Ruckman’s vivid imagination

  1. If this were the Jehovah's false Witnesses, it would be believable' no, it is Ruckman, the alleged Baptist!

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